Control Cloud Costs with Simac: No Unpleasant Surprises

The cloud offers many benefits for medium-sized enterprises due to its flexibility, scalability, innovative capacity, and security. However, managing cloud costs, especially when using various Microsoft services like Azure, Office 365, Dynamics 365, and Windows 10 or 11 can be complex. Keeping track of subscriptions, licenses, and correctly budgeting cloud costs are crucial to avoid overpaying or risking insufficient licensing. How do you maintain an overview and how can you predict and budget your cloud costs?

Get a Grip on Cloud Costs with Simac

Managing cloud costs is complex and requires expertise. Many medium-sized enterprises and their IT partners struggle with this, but Simac has been offering specialized help for years. As an experienced Microsoft partner—a strong partnership of 20 years—we have all the knowledge and experience to provide tailored advice about the best licenses for your organizations. Additionally, we offer support in managing and optimizing cloud costs to avoid unpleasant surprises. With Simac, you have everything under one roof: advice, knowledge, service, and support. So you can fully benefit from the cloud without worrying about costs.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Cloud Management

Simac can answer the important questions many organizations have:

  • What causes unexpected costs on the monthly bill? Who or what are the 'big spenders'?
  • How are our expenditures compared to the budget?
  • To which application or department can certain costs be attributed?
  • Are we using the right licenses and how do we adjust to changes in numbers?
  • Is it possible to transfer existing licenses to the cloud?
  • How do we stay informed of the latest cloud developments and changes?

Simac's Offer: Insight and Control Over Cloud Costs

An experienced team of specialists in the field of (hybrid) cloud and license management has developed a user-friendly cost management platform for complete relief. Our online dashboard provides insight into your organization's cloud costs, allowing you to manage, predict and optimize them. Additionally, we periodically identify opportunities for savings and provide advice. This includes rightsizing Azure VMs, using your own licenses, and reservations for various Azure Services, which can lead to a 20-30% cost saving.

Proactive Monitoring and Optimization of Cloud Licenses

Our automatic monitoring of M365 license usage ensures that we can make proactive adjustments and prevent too many unused licenses from remaining on the shelf. We continuously analyze whether the paid products and services are still the best choice, so you can make timely decisions on whether replacing solutions can save costs.


Please contact us | Simac IT NL

Would you like to know more about the services Simac IT NL can offer you? Then contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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